School has started. I am on week two. My students are wonderful, and I only have 13 of them! It is glorious.
I have a new dog. His name is Wylie Armani. He found me. He doesn't bark, and likes to cuddle. He kinda stinks, but we are working on that. Stella Van Pomplemouse and Banks Van Fleuf Meister, my cats, do not enjoy Wylie, but they like him better than Ruby Van Iderstein (my dog who I had for a week and then she ran away).
I also have a new friend. His name is Andrew. We have been doing a lot of cool stuff lately. He is from MI, which is kinda lame, but other than that he is pretty cool.
Summary of sweet events as of late:
Cara is back! So I am no longer alone in my home.
A whole group of us went cliff jumping last weekend = awesomeness.
I went to the 87th Annual Indian Inter-Tribal Ceremony. Paul McCartney was there.
Andrew and I went to a sweat lodge yesterday = extreme sweating and intense Navajoness.
I went treasure hunting with Paul and Andrew on Saturday. I found three treasures.
I made four batches of nanimo bars.
My soccer team got bronze medals.
Paul, Andrew, Carrie, and I went up to visit Mr. Swets in the fire tower. Its high. You can see a lot. The moom was cool.
I saw Pinapple Express. My favorite part was at the end when Dale and Saul are feeding Red, and he's goes "it's just like I am a baby, num num num num." I think its the facial expression and the moment, cause the quote sounds lame now that I read it. Andrew's favorite part was when Saul comes in with his crazy guns and yells "fuck the po-lice."
I could write 500 posts about all the cool stuff I have been up to lately. But then you might get jealous and then hate me. I don't want that to happen, so there is a small sampling.
Pictures to complete the post, pictures are always fun.
my new puppy, Wylie
third place, meh
two kids in their fancy dress at Ceremonial
Paul and I mowing down some cream puffs
The Pinapple Express
That's all.
(more pictures can be seen at
i commented on my blog then realized that i had better reply to you on yours... silly me...
rats are cool. great pets. clean. friendly. though, frisky, they can get away really fast... but kids love them, i am sure...
mel. I have been listening to mgmt in my car. the other day i walked into the quad at school, and there were some speakers set up in the middle, and that song was playing loudly. I was impressed. and pleased.
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