Monday, April 24, 2006

"There will be a tommorow, even if you choose to leave...

cause it don't matter to the sun, it matters to me."

I am becoming depressed with the end of the year approaching. I have met some really cool people during my time here at Dordt, and as the year ends so to does the time and relationships that I have built with them. I am saddened by the fact that most of them are not the closest of friends - so it makes sense that you move on as you move away, and remember the good times. But then there are the friends that are closer and I am worried that there will be no effort to keep in touch. That is sad. Even though people are heading different directions that doesn't mean relationships have to end, they just sort of change.

"How do we make these moments last, how do we get them to stay, when everything passes and time blows away..."

1 comment:

Mark said...

I feel the exact same way Mel, and I don't like it.